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DAY 1 - February 13  


9h30 Registration opens


10h30 Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS

Opening Session and Welcome

Isabel Corrêa da Silva, Miguel Dantas da Cruz, Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro


11h-13h Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS

SESSION 1 : Petitionary Culture and Practice

Chair: Mafalda Soares da Cunha (CIDEHUS, Uni. de Évora)


Carlos Garriga (Uni. de País Vasco)

Provisiones ordinarias. Agravios, peticiones y amparos en el México colonial


 Joris Van Den Tol (Leiden University)

The changing practice of signatures: Petition drives in the Dutch Atlantic, 1630-1800


 Oriol Luján (Uni. Complutense de Madrid)

Petitions in liberal Spain (1810-1843): The evolution of items and actors involved


13h – 14.30 LUNCH


Simultaneous sessions


14h30-16h30 Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS

SESSION 2: Brokers and institutions

Chair: António Hespanha (Uni. Nova de Lisboa)


Joris Oddens (Leiden University)

The Scribe as Gatekeeper. Access to Petitioning in the Netherlands from the Dutch Republic to the Revolution 


Álvaro Caso Bello (Johns Hopkins University)

The ‘Agentes del Número de Indias’: oOfficial Representatives for Colonial Spanish American Petitioning in Madrid during the Age of Revolutions, c. 1776-1808


Carla Almeida (Uni. Federal de Juiz de Fora)

As câmaras das Minas e suas petições às instâncias centrais da monarquia portuguesa


Andrea Slemian (Uni. Federal de São Paulo)

Os Tribunais da Relação na América e o amparo dos direitos (c.1750-1808)



14h30-16h30 Sala Polivalente, ICS

SESSION 3: Petitions and race in Brazil

Chair: João Fragoso (Uni. Federal do Rio de Janeiro)


Luiz Geraldo Silva e Priscila de Lima Souza (Uni. Federal do Paraná)

Petições de escravos africanos e afrodescendentes da América portuguesa. Leis pombalinas, faina marítima e campo de tensões (1761-1810)


Adriana Barreto (Uni. Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro)

Ser oficial pardo: a luta por direitos em petições ao príncipe  (Rio de Janeiro e Salvador, 1796-1804)


Mariana Dantas (Ohio University)

Petitioning through Irmandades: urban development and civic engagement in colonial Minas Gerais, Brazil


Adriana Campos e Kátia Sausen da Mota (Uni. Federal do Espírito Santo)

Do estado antigo da escravidão ao estado de cidadão: direito, escravidão e liberdade no alvorecer do Império do Brasil



16h30 – 17h00 COFFEE BREAK


Simultaneous sessions


17h00-18h30 Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS

SESSION 4: Subaltern voices in European colonies 

Chair: Jaime Reis (Instituto de Ciências Sociais)


Amy Turner Bushnell (Brown Uni.)

The Refugee Pueblo:  Asylum and the Law of Towns in and beyond the Provinces of Florida


Larissa Kopytoff (Uni. of South Florida)

“We are all French”: citizenship, race, and religion in petitions from Senegal, 1789-1848


Aaron Graham (Uni. College London)

Contest and conformity: the potential of the petition in Jamaica in the Age of Revolutions



17h00-18h30 Sala Polivalente, ICS

SESSION 5: Petitioning women in the Portuguese world

Chair: Fátima Sá e Melo Ferreira (ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)


Lúcia Maria Bastos Pereira das Neves (Uni. Estado do Rio de Janeiro)

“Requerimento, Razão e Justiça”: as petições do belo sexo na construção do Império do Brasil


Agata Bloch (Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History)

What if the subalterns could speak? Listening to the Portuguese overseas voices through the petitions.


Ana Mafalda Pereira Lopes (ICS)

Petições femininas em Portugal no Antigo Regime

(c. 1760-c. 1820)


DAY 2 – February 14


Simultaneous sessions


9h00-11h00  Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS

SESSION 6: Petitions, status and dignity

Chair: José Damião Rodrigues (Faculdade de Letras, Uni. Lisboa)


João Fragoso (Uni. Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

Um foro de fidalgo cavaleiro e dois hábitos de christo...Comunicação política entre famílias da nobreza principal da terra e a coroa na América lusa (Rio de Janeiro, segunda metade do século XVIII)


Francisco Precioso Izquierdo (Uni. de Murcia)

Pedir nobleza, representar ser noble: discurso e ideal nobiliario en la España de finales del siglo XVIII


Víctor García González (Uni. of Málaga)

Demanding justice to obtain dignity: petitions of Spanish military engineers and their families in the eighteenth century


Roraima Estaba Amaiz (Uni. Complutense de Madrid)

Ser tenidos por Pardos con distinción: Peticiones judiciales, negociación social y voz política de la élite de color mezclado en el Circuncaribe (1790-1821)



9h00-11h00   Sala Polivalente, ICS

SESSION 7: Limits of citizenship in a changing political landscape 

Chair: Ricardo Roque (ICS)


Samantha Seeley (Uni. of Richmond)

Petitioning and the Right to Remain in the Early United States Republic


Mekala Audain (The College of New Jersey)

“Hardworking and Industrious Citizens”: Free Black American Immigration to Texas, 1822–1837


Cody Nager (City Uni. of New York)

Petitioning for Naturalization in Early Republican New York


Federica Morelli (University of Turin)

The Free People of Color during the Age of Spanish American Revolutions


11h – 11h30 COFFEE BREAK


Simultaneous sessions


11h30-13h30  Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS

SESSION 8: Petitions and Governance in the Portuguese Empire

Chair: Jorge Pedreira (Uni. Nova de Lisboa)


Júnia Ferreira Furtado (Uni. Federal de Minas Gerais)

Petitions in the Brazilian Diamond  Area (1788- 1820)


Iris Kantor (Uni. de São Paulo)

Cartografia como suporte das petições ou petições atlânticas em registros cartográficos (1749-1826)


Arthur Curvelo (ICS)

Árbitros do Rei na América: os governadores e a prática peticionária no Governo de Pernambuco (séculos XVII e XVIII)


Marieta Carvalho (Uni. Salgado de Oliveira)

Uma continuidade das práticas na Nova Lisboa: as petições como instrumento de acesso à administração joanina (1808-1821)



11h30-13h30  Sala Polivalente, ICS

SESSION 9: Pleas, Petitions, & Private Bills in the North American context

Chair:  José Luís Cardoso (ICS)


James Hrdlicka (Uni. of Pennsylvania)

Petitioning as State and Federal Constitution-Making: Revolutionary Massachusetts and the American Confederation


Maggie Mckinley (Uni. of Pennsylvania)

Equity & Lawmaking: Petitions and the Rule of Law in the Post-Revolutionary United States


Naomi R. Lamoreaux (Yale Uni.) and John Joseph Wallis (Uni. of Maryland)

From Special to General Laws:  Understanding the Transformation in State Governments in the Mid-Nineteenth-Century United States


Gregory Mark (DePaul Uni.)

Petition and the Political Economy: The Economic Uses of Petition in the American Context


13.30h – 15h00 LUNCH


15h-17h  Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS

SESSION 10: Plenary Conference

Chair: Annarita Gori (Instituto de Ciências Sociais)


Simona Cerutti (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales)

Petitions and debts /credit relationships (Savoyard State, XVIIIth Century)




20h  Conference Dinner


DAY 3 – February 15


Simultaneous sessions


9h00-10h30  Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS

SESSION 11: Petitions and Revolution  - France

Chair: Andrea Slemian (Uni. Federal de São Paulo)


Adrian O’Connor (Uni. of South Florida)

Action at a distance: petitions and the debate over political representation in revolutionary France


Vanessa Mongey (Newcastle Uni.)

The right to freedom of movement: passport and travel petitions in the early nineteenth century French empire


Maria Betlem Castellà i Pujols (Uni. Pompeu Fabra- Barcelona)

La gestión de las peticiones y el Comité de reportes  de la Asamblea nacional constituyente en los primeros años del  proceso revolucionario francés (1789-1791)



9h00-10h30, Sala Polivalente, ICS

SESSION 12: Women voices in revolutionary context

Chair: Filipa Vicente (ICS)


Jacqueline Beatty (York College of Pennsylvania)

Rights in Dependence: Women, Petitions, and Power in the American Revolution


Valentina Altopiedi (Turin University)

The Public Voice of Women:  Female Petitions During the French Revolution


Catherine Kerrison (Villanova Uni., Pennsylvania)

Petitioning for Freedom: Female Strategies in Post-Revolutionary Philadelphia



10h30 – 11h00 COFFEE BREAK


Simultaneous sessions


11h00-13h00, Auditório Sedas Nunes, ICS

SESSION 13: Petitioning Culture: between loyalty and sedition

Chair: Ângela Barreto Xavier (ICS)


Brodie Waddell (Uni. of London)

The emergence of a petitioning culture in early modern England


Donald Johnson (North Dakota State Uni.)

Petitions and the Language of Loyalism in Revolutionary America


Radu Nedici (Uni. of Bucharest)

Averting the dangers of sedition: religious dissent, public opinion and petition practices in the Habsburg Monarchy around 1760


Miguel Régio Almeida (Faculdade de Direito, Uni.  de Coimbra)

Peticionar ou Declarar a Independência: a Revolução do Haiti na Filosofia dos Direitos Humanos


Adrian Masters (Uni. of Texas)

Towards a Theory of Responsive Regimes: Petition-and-Response Lawmaking and Bottom-Up State Formation, Antiquity-1700.



11h00-13h00, Sala Polivalente, ICS

SESSION 14: Parallel developments: liberalism in the Spanish-speaking world

Chair: Rui Ramos (ICS)


Juan Marchena Fernandez (Uni. Pablo de Olavide)  “Reos de lesa majestad y como tales sujetos a la pena de muerte”: A repressão absolutista na epoca de Fernando VII na Espanha e na America Espanhola. 1814-1820



António Aninno Dusek (Cehis- Uni. El Externado de Colombia)

Peticion y/o levantamiento: Una nueva forma de competición política (México 1821-1857)


María Teresa Calderón (Uni. Externado de Colombia)

Petición y/o representación: Una aproximación a partir de la crisis colombiana, 1826-1831



Diego Palacios Cerezales (Uni. Complutense de Madrid)

Petitioning by riot in Spain. From the Old Regime to Liberalism



Faustino J. Martínez (Uni. Complutense de Madrid)

Conservadurismo, petición y sistema electoral. España, 1834-1836


13h – 14h30 LUNCH


14h30  Bus to Assembleia da República / House of Parliament


15h30  Guided Visit to Assembleia da República / House of Parliament


16h-18h  Sala do Senado, House of Parliament

SESSION 15: Plenary Conference

Chair: Pedro Cardim (FCSH, Uni. Nova de Lisboa)



Jack P. Greene (Johns Hopkins University) 

The Ground upon which all Government stands . . . is the consent of the people: Some Reflections on Voice and Authority in the Construction and Operation of Long-Distance Empires and Their Successor States in the Americas.



18h Closing Session

Isabel Corrêa da Silva, Miguel Dantas da Cruz, Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro


Closing Port of Honor




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